At school they give me enlarged pieces of work and if I can't read something I just tell the teacher. I'm sure I've told you that I love music singing playing violin and piano. well now my music experience is getting exciting I've just been to Vienna on a music tour for the choir, in piano I am doing jazz exams and I'm doing 3rd violin exam grade 3 which is the trickiest of them all.
Please share this on your social networks and spread the word that its running again write comments ask questions about school and my disability.
Thanks for your time!
Hi Florence, wow, amazing to hear about your music! playing jazz piano is extremely cool and you must be pretty talented to be able to do that. how do you think your disability affects playing music? what a good idea to write a blog, tell your mum I'm very impressed. love Sallie x
This is great, Flo. Keep going! Em
2nd message I am writing on this blog and it goes away all the time! Well done Flo...if it works , I will write more later. Thanks for your help is week.
it has worked isabelle , if anyody is struggling to leave comments remember to choose the identity correctly so if you dont have a google account you can use Anonymous but please tell us who you are .
Thanks for all your lovely comments of support . Florences Mum
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